
We use iNaturalist to resolve or confirm taxons of specimens we collect for the DBGI project, and more generally for the EMI project.

"iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature" (_f)

iNaturalist advantages and utility

iNaturalist allows to link our samples with pictures, sample code and location. We can precise the plant phenology too. It contains a community curation system linked with a machine learning technology to correct or add an identification of each observed specimen.

We can create projects with a delimited area where each added plant will automatically fit in when uploaded. This is what we have done with the Jardin Botanique de l'Université de Fribourg. With this, all our samples are grouped together. This allows then to export the data in batch with the inat-fetcher to obtain all iNaturalist metadata in the Database.

Build settings orthomosaiciNaturalist page of Physalis peruviana with all the usefull fields described

iNaturalist import

The iNaturalist import is made automatically using collection informations from the QField collection application.

The Pictures_manager python script retrieves collection metadata from QFieldCloud server and generates pictures with all needed metadata for iNaturalist. Then, the iNaturalist_import_bot python script will automatically upload these pictures in iNaturalist and generate the observations.
