
Pictures_manager scripts permits to collect and treat metadata and pictures coming from QField:

  • It downloads the collection layers, convert them in CSV files

  • Checks that geographic coordinates are in the correct format, and if not convert them to suit the global geographic system (EPSG:4026)

  • Downloads the pictures and delete them from the collection server in order to keep the collection server clean

  • Controls if pictures are small enough, and if not compresses them

  • Add time, geographic coordinates and EMI code in the pictures metadata to make them ready for iNaturalist upload

  • Adds all these related metadata to the Directus database

  • Creates a copy of these pictures (possiblity to share them using nextcloud using the script)

  • Creates one folder for each observation containing the related pictures, that serve as input for the iNaturalist_import_bot script

You can find the source code here.
