This is Maëlle's DBGI daily open-notebook.
Today is 2023.02.23
- Meeting with pma - 10am
- add dashboard on dbgi github
To discuss in meeting:
- molplotly doesn't show the molecules
- dash should be the best
- template for directus
molplotly doesn't show the molecules => problem was in molplotly scripts
But still doesn't appear when on a multipage app => issue github
- Run GNPS on local
- issue moltplotly
Important for redaction
Important point of my project
(refer to ChordB proposal for details)
- establish a Dashboard to view "LOTUS type data"
- molecular structures
- molecular structure metadata
- molecular structure taxonomies
- biological organisms
- biological organisms structure metadata
- biological organisms structure taxonomies
This Dashboard can feed on static tabular files
- establish a Dashboard to view "DBGI type data"
"DBGI type data" = "LOTUS type data" + mass spectrometry data
- LCMS profiles
- spectrums
cf. GNPS LCMS Dashboard
This Dashboard can feed on static tabular files + Mass spec files
- Improve these Dashboard so they can feed on KG
- SPARQL queries