
Monorepo : Backend

Here we describe the basic structure of the backend of the EMI monorepo.


This folder contains the metaprogramming code to check the correctness of the database, and then to generate the rust files depending on the constraints.


Folder containing csv files with the data that will be inserted into the database. For example, the file countries.csv contains the list of all available/allowed countries in the database.


Folder containing the SQL files that are used to create the database schema. The files are numbered in order of execution. Here is a brief description of the types of tables:

  • create_*_table creates a table in the database
  • create_*_sequential_index changes the id column of the table from INTEGER to SERIAL
  • populate_*_table populates the table with data from the csv files in the db_data folder
  • create_*_gin_index creates an index to allow for searching in the table
  • create_*_can_x_trigger contain a function that takes a user ID (INTEGER) and the primary keys and returns a BOOLEAN indicating whether the user can {operation} the row




Directory containing the code for the OAuth2.0 authentication and its dependencies (login/logout, login providers, refresh tokens, etc).


Directory containing the code for the websockets.


This directory contains the code for the database connection between the backend and the database. We are using the Diesel crate to interact with the database. Most of the code in this directory is generated automatically by the constraint_checkers package.