This is Edouard's DBGI daily open-notebook.
Today is 2023.09.22
What to discuss with Pierre-Marie
- What kind of informations for extractions: date and time, UUID,
- What kind of informations for injections
- Choose good vials racks
- Where to store extracts weight
- Codes for sample boxes, codes for extract boxes, codes for fridges, codes for fridges stages
- How to manage injection (directly fill the chromatography racks when prelevating extracts, add another mode in the application to scan the vials when putting them on the chromatography racks?, let manually gestion?)
- Specials databases for different racks? Do I have to create a special database for each type of racks or is it just a parameter to fill in a field next to the samples/extracts/injects?
- Same questio with fridges/fridges stages
label ependorf dbgi_000001_01_tmp