Botanical Garden
Botanical Gardens, collection of specimens & legal aspects
Botanical Gardens
- Anne-Laure, Donat, Nadir, Blaise, Gregor
What do we have ?
For now UniFr / UniNe
What do we want ?
Should we contact other Botanical gardens in CH ? International ?
Maybe yes at least for questions regarding Nagoya and CBD. (e.g Geneva BG, Vienna Botanical Gardens, IPEN exchange group) BGCI (BG conservation iNternational) HBH (Hortus Botanicus Helveticus )
Meeting in Neuchâtel in August 30-31 Manu will present DBGI
Private Partner Orchids Green House (EMI/DBGI ?) Legal & ethics ? Nagoya status.
We want to track provenance and licences regarding reuse of data.
Litterature information collection
This part should eventually be linked with the anticipated LOTUS project. However discussing it we could think about the best way to integrate Taxonomic treatments in the DBGI-KG from the very beginning of the project and not afterwards
From Donat's part
Thanks for the invitation. I had a look at the program and wonder whether you want to have a few slides about the linking of metabolomes to specimens to literature, essentially what you asked for in the BiCIKL TNA proposal. On our side we are interested to process Phytochemistry so you could then create the links and we could work with Patrick Ruch to see how we could annotate chemical substances in SIBiLS once we have the Phytochemistry articles in SIBiLS
They are two aspects here.
- how do we track specimens and not only species ?
- how do we exploit previous knowledge
Both are very important, but the first one is of utmost importance in the DBGI and EMI. or similar to mirror url such as inat observations ids PIDs (Persistent Data Id) EPIC SSCC
Which are the metadata that we want to collect ?
Can we uniquely identify a specimen ?
We basically have
- observations (tracked on iNat)
- specimens (How ? can this be tracked ?) if they dont exist we create it.
- species (tracked on iNat)
❗ This point turned out to be not so simple as we have discussed. It's however an important an interesting one to tackle.
DISSCO ( and Taxonomic Data WG TDWG (
Working group on legal and ethics aspects of acces to genetic / metabolic diversity
Data are linked to genetical resssource. Nagoya protocol. We need legal guarantees. What can be published under which conditions ?
CITES plants. Applied after 2014. Nagoya concern use of traditional knowledge.
Ethical guidelines. Prior Informed Consent.
- ask to juridical in university. Legal services. To be check in UniF and UniNe HBH (Hortus Botonicus Helveticus )
Present DBGI/EMI
Valérie Wyssbrod
👉 Set up a small working group on legal and ethics aspects.