When the user arrives to this mode, he has to choose the wieghting unit. This permits to reduce the size of the number to enter if the user weights big quantities or very small quantities (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Laboratory application's weighting mode when user selects it
If the user wants to have a weight constraint, he has to enter it with the tolerance. With this process, the application will check if the entered weight is correct. This will avoid typing errors (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Laboratory application's weighting mode constraint activated
If the user has to weight very different types of samples, he can choose to deactivate weight constraint. This is useful if collected quantities are very small and the user wants to extract all the collected material (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Laboratory application's weighting mode constraint deactivated
After having entered all needed parameters, the user will have the possibility to scan field samples. Then a box will ask the weight (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Laboratory application's weighting mode when user has to enter the weight
When the weight is entered and valid (if constraint is activated), the user can submit the metadata to the database (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Laboratory application's weighting mode when weighting process is ready to be submitted to the database