
This is Edouard's DBGI daily open-notebook.

Today is 2023.09.25

Presentations BioDigiCon

Krisztina Lohonya, Transcription and geo-referencing international collections: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MhQb-hO8etc04v_RcodIf77IGjq11MgW/view

Unique identifier, image, label, georeferencing, put specimen on the map Possible via writing types and dates -> each language at a specific time has a specific style that can be recognized Collector background to be more precise Not so interesting for our project, but we have all the elements they use to caracterize a specimen

Grant Fitzsimmons, Advancing Biological Collections with Specify 7: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D5B81VXLpa0YJeuJCvz4o626-P5Ph-u_/view

Specify 7 could be a solution to replace or complement directus. It has an API. To see if it's more powerfull as directus Nice tree visualisation (specimen, geography, species, etc.) Example with an excel file, possible with a CSV or not? Easy use of templates Easy mapping of large files with the GUI. Just select the field and say which file column has to be imported in. Nice control of errors after the import. Nice functionnalities like if we where on excel or google sheet Nice query interface, possible to select a world zone and select all the records present in this region Nice remove duplicates interface Sadly, presentation more oriented to GUI, no details about the API and automatic imports.

Jorrit Poelen, Building a Digital Extended Specimen One Association at a Time: What Does It Take to Extend OBI Herbarium Records with their Associated GenBank Sequences?: https://drive.google.com/file/d/185fFa7NliGREgqiShpYe-Ht5dT4xIaVu/view

I didn't really understand what he did. I think this is out of my domain and competences. Maybe more useful for Luca.