This is Audrey's DBGI daily open-notebook.
Today is 2023.04.19
Todo today
- try to exclude lock mass of the data "datacompass.xzxml" (coleus)
Have a look at the DBGI discussion forum
- https://github.com/orgs/digital-botanical-gardens-initiative/discussions
git pull sur terminal pour synch (Visual studio)
accéder session à distance :
Powershell connect shh :
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ssh -Y lecabeca@biolpc045600
xpra start :100 --start=xterm
##to start a new session -
Terminal de commande
C:\Users\Lecab>"C:\Program Files\Xpra\Xpra_cmd.exe" attach ssh:lecabeca@biolpc045600:200
Open sirius or mzmine to open software on the session
to detach : ctrl+C to stop session ; on powershell : xpra stop 100 (number of the session)
- Wet lab :
- add acid formic to the solvent of extraction to quench metabolic or chemical reaction (enzyme, oxidation)