This is Disha's DBGI daily open-notebook.
- Modifying ontologies for connecting information from enpkg, traits metadata, trydb observation data, taxonomic ids.
- Perform extensive tests with integrate_trydb VKG. Check at all levels with SPARQL. Validate the results.
Todo tomorrow or soon
- Meeting with Philip from Science-et-cite went ok. He said to pursue the video idea (interview with PIs and junior researchers, pseudoscience??). Gave contacts for people who can help with making videos.
From Philip:
Daniel Saraga:
Mirko Bischofberger (also a film maker):
And this is Manuela Dahinden from the Zurich Basel Plant Science Center:
- Put the new ontologies to the github account. Transfer the integrate_trydb from my github account to DBGI's.
- Incorporate ttl files for traits on the ontop VKG for coherence.
Today I learned that
- Profile article for the DBGI website.
- DISPEL conversation.
- Looked at PheObs, AusTraits and Globi. Globi has to be integrated. AusTraits looks very promising. Have to see how they integrated data. It is mostly manual curation, but impressive