
This is Disha's DBGI daily open-notebook.


  1. Modifying ontologies for connecting information from enpkg, traits metadata, trydb observation data, taxonomic ids.
  2. Perform extensive tests with integrate_trydb VKG. Check at all levels with SPARQL. Validate the results.



Todo tomorrow or soon

  1. Meeting with Philip from Science-et-cite went ok. He said to pursue the video idea (interview with PIs and junior researchers, pseudoscience??). Gave contacts for people who can help with making videos.

From Philip:

Daniel Saraga:


Mirko Bischofberger (also a film maker):


And this is Manuela Dahinden from the Zurich Basel Plant Science Center:


  1. Put the new ontologies to the github account. Transfer the integrate_trydb from my github account to DBGI's.
  2. Incorporate ttl files for traits on the ontop VKG for coherence.

Today I learned that


  1. Profile article for the DBGI website.
  2. DISPEL conversation.
  3. Looked at PheObs, AusTraits and Globi. Globi has to be integrated. AusTraits looks very promising. Have to see how they integrated data. It is mostly manual curation, but impressive