Notes taken for the organization of the DBGI pilot MS data for its intake as a graph.
Export of the minimal required files
- mgf
- quant table
- mgf sirius
Starting from the mzmine project
use th /media/share/DBGI/{} following pattern to export with the original filename
python script availabl at
Maybe bash command line could be more flexible. Let's try
We inspire from
for file in prefix*; do mv "{file#XY TD-}" done
and adapt (note we echo first for safety)
for file in 20220513PMA*; do echo mv "{file##20220513PMA}" done
Seems to work
So we can
for file in 20220513PMA*; do mv "{file##20220513PMA}" done
Now we are left with the extensions We inspire from
Rename all .txt to .text
for f in *.txt; do mv -- "{f%.txt}.text" done
And adapt to
for f in *.mzML_chromatograms_deconvoluted_deisotoped.mgf; do mv -- "{f%.mzML_chromatograms_deconvoluted_deisotoped.mgf}_sirius_pos.mgf" done
for f in *.mzML_chromatograms_deconvoluted_deisotoped_quant.csv; do mv -- "{f%.mzML_chromatograms_deconvoluted_deisotoped_quant.csv}_features_quant_pos.csv" done
Now we are left with mgf (sirius and classical) We will use pattern expansion to limit our suffix editing
ls DBGI01_04{001..100}_sirius_pos.mgf
In fact its easier to mv all file with the extension to a temp folder mv *sirius_pos.mgf sirius Do the substitution
for f in *.mgf; do mv -- "{f%.mgf}_features_ms2_pos.mgf" done
Now that we have our file we would like to create subfolder for them and move them accordingly
for i in ls -ltrh directorypath| awk '{print $NF}'| awk -F "_f|_s" '{print $1}'| sort| uniq
; do mkdir $i; yes|mv $i* $i; done
Works nicely !