Which molecular families are associated with a given phenotypic trait ? (e.g. which molecular families are associated with the trait "drought tolerance" ?)
Which phenotypic traits are associated with a given molecular family ? (e.g. which phenotypic traits are associated with the molecular family "terpenes" ?)
Which molecular families are associated with a given molecular family ? (e.g. which molecular families are associated with the molecular family "terpenes" ?)
Which phenotypic traits are associated with a given phenotypic trait ? (e.g. which phenotypic traits are associated with the trait "drought tolerance" ?)
Which molecular families are associated with a given geolocation ? (e.g. which molecular families are associated with the geolocation "Haut Valais - Switzerland" ?)
Which molecular families are associated with a given biotic interaction ? (e.g. which molecular families are associated with the biotic interaction "is parasite of" ?)