
Think about experimental methods open repositaries. Then Method 1 could have its DOI associated

2 DB

  • EMI DB
  • Project DB (DBGI DB)

Across project DB all headers should be identical.

List of tables to be implemented in the Project DB

  • Sub-projects

  • Labels (currentky the Samples table)

This table collect the currently reserved and or used labels (corresponds to all printe labels untill now)

  • Field_Samples

This table contains the efectively collected and dryed samples id example : dbgi_000001

PK : field_sample_id (e.g dbgi_000001) FK : inat_observation_id (e.g 117770387)

  • Lab_Extracts

PK : lab_extract_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01) FK : field_sample_id (e.g dbgi_000001)

  • Aliquots

PK : aliquot_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01_01) FK : lab_extract_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01)

  • Mass_Spectrometry_Analysis

PK : mass_spec_id (e.g 20230918_EB_dbgi_000001_01_01_pos.mzXML) FK : aliquot_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01_01)

Tuesday 26 September 2023

  • we want to have a status column in all table documenting a single physical object (a priori not for racks, MS analysis etc) This should allow to capture the fact that a given sample has rotten (often seen when weighing) or that a vial has been lost, spilled etc.

For now we go for two possible values OK / NOTOK + an additional comments column where more infos are given for the NOTOK status

  • In the Lab Extracts table : we want to be able to monitor any level of depth in the extraction process. For this we will use a DAG that is monitor for each sample its corresponding parent sample.

  • To generalize the Rack and Boxes tables we propose new table called containers They are suffixed by the number of position (Higher number first if applicable)

e.g. container_8x3

The container inside this table wouzld be labelled as follow container_8x3_000001

  • This also means we ant to label the fridges and racks

fridge_000001 fridge fridge_000001_01 shelves

fridge_000001_01_01 racks since racks are mobiles we in fact track them using the container_XxX nomenclature
