Think about experimental methods open repositaries. Then Method 1 could have its DOI associated
2 DB
- Project DB (DBGI DB)
Across project DB all headers should be identical.
List of tables to be implemented in the Project DB
Labels (currentky the Samples table)
This table collect the currently reserved and or used labels (corresponds to all printe labels untill now)
- Field_Samples
This table contains the efectively collected and dryed samples id example : dbgi_000001
PK : field_sample_id (e.g dbgi_000001) FK : inat_observation_id (e.g 117770387)
- Lab_Extracts
PK : lab_extract_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01) FK : field_sample_id (e.g dbgi_000001)
- Aliquots
PK : aliquot_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01_01) FK : lab_extract_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01)
- Mass_Spectrometry_Analysis
PK : mass_spec_id (e.g 20230918_EB_dbgi_000001_01_01_pos.mzXML) FK : aliquot_id (e.g dbgi_000001_01_01)
Tuesday 26 September 2023
- we want to have a
column in all table documenting a single physical object (a priori not for racks, MS analysis etc) This should allow to capture the fact that a given sample has rotten (often seen when weighing) or that a vial has been lost, spilled etc.
For now we go for two possible values OK / NOTOK + an additional comments
column where more infos are given for the NOTOK status
In the Lab Extracts table : we want to be able to monitor any level of depth in the extraction process. For this we will use a DAG that is monitor for each sample its corresponding parent sample.
To generalize the Rack and Boxes tables we propose new table called containers They are suffixed by the number of position (Higher number first if applicable)
e.g. container_8x3
The container inside this table wouzld be labelled as follow container_8x3_000001
- This also means we ant to label the fridges and racks
fridge_000001 fridge fridge_000001_01 shelves
fridge_000001_01_01 racks since racks are mobiles we in fact track them using the container_XxX nomenclature