This is PMA's DBGI daily open-notebook.
Today is 2023.10.13
Todo today
Have a look at the DBGI discussion forum
- https://github.com/orgs/digital-botanical-gardens-initiative/discussions
Call with Henry Luetcke
IGSN (International Generic Sample Number) DOI system from DataCite
To register an IGSN you register a DOI Special type
ETHZ has a DOI desk
Type : physical object
Cost associated to the PIDs Fee from datacite Check DOI desk.
How to deal with the landing pages
1M DOI 10000 Euros
GBIF call
Henry, Sofia Wyler, PM, Manu
- StandBy demande GBIF organization and data publishers
- Attente Template Matrice GBIF
- InfoFauna (batiment de chimie)
me says:### GBIF Publishers
EMI https://www.gbif.org/publisher/6b9fc0d9-0657-46cd-bb52-9dc5456e88ed
DBGI https://www.gbif.org/publisher/8633bec0-211e-4823-ba25-e4d255d67c10
GBIF Organizations (GRSciColl)
EMI https://registry.gbif.org/organization/6b9fc0d9-0657-46cd-bb52-9dc5456e88ed
DBGI https://registry.gbif.org/organization/8633bec0-211e-4823-ba25-e4d255d67c10
We need to peek into Global Registry of Scientific Collections (GRSciColl) https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll
me says:Organizations: entities who publish datasets and/or manage installations , e.g. Natural History Museum of Denmark Datasets: collections of data, e.g. species occurrences, e.g. Birds fallen at Danish Lighthouses 1883 through 1939 Installations: servers when datasets are hosted, e.g. DanBIF IPT at Aarhus University Collections: entities describing mainly museum collections, e.g. Hacettepe University Biodiversity Advanced Research Center Genbank Institutions: entities responsible for collections , e.g. Hacettepe University Biodiversity Advanced Research Center (BIOSPHERE) GRSciColl Staff: people associated with institutions, e.g. Selim Sualp Çağlar Nodes: entities representing GBIF participants responsible for endorsing publishers and coordinating activities in a geographic or thematic context, e.g. DanBIF - Danish Biodiversity Information Facility me says: https://registry.gbif.org/
me says: https://docs.gbif.org/publishing-dna-derived-data/en/
me says: https://www.gbif.org/sampling-event-data
13:54 avatar Emmanuel Defossez Emmanuel Defossez says: https://www.gbif.org/fr/dataset/90dbe62a-5470-4aa9-b285-059e95b49936/event/haedat:us-17:us-04-017
13:58 S Sofia Sofia says: https://rs.gbif-uat.org/extensions.html
Slides documenting the sample fate in the EMI process ....