
How to use Zotero to add references on the Digitized Botanical gardens initiative Dendron:

Zotero installation and setup:


Now you have to add the "dbgi-bibliography" shared folder on Zotero to access to all the Project references. For this, go to, login or register and join the Zotero group. Now you can add your references in the folder to import them on Dendron.

Mandatory Zotero add-ons installation:

Click on the link, download the add-on file, open Zotero, go to Tools -> Add-ons -> drag and drop the add-on file in the Add-ons Manager -> Install Now

Set the add-ons settings:

Better Bibtex for Zotero:

Go in Zotero to Edit -> Better BibteX and follow these settings: Better BibteX settings


Go in Zotero to Tools -> Zotfile Preferences... and follow these settings in the "Renaming Rules" tab: Zotfile settings

Mdnotes fo Zotero:

Go in Zotero to Tools -> Mdnotes preferences and follow these settings: Mdnotes settings 1 Mdnotes settings 2

References import on Dendron:

1) Just for the first import: Create a folder named "biblio" on your computer and replace "path to "biblio" folder" with the correct pass of the folder.

2) Go on the "dbgi-bibliography" folder in Zotero, select the new added references to export, right click on it -> Better BibTeX -> Refresh BibTeX key -> right click -> Manage Attachments -> Rename and Move -> right click -> mdnotes -> Export to markdown. You now should have the references listed in the "biblio" folder in this format: "".

3) To configure the import: Go to Visual Studio Code -> ctrl + shift + p -> Dendron: Configure Pod -> dendron.markdown import markdown. Then add the "biblio" folder path after "src:". Normally, some paths are already present, so comment them with "#" to keep the path for the others.

4) For the first and next imports, you just have to repeat the 2nd step and then go to Visual Studio Code -> press ctrl+shift+p -> Dendron: Import Pod -> dendron.markdown and your references present in the "biblio" folder will be imported in the Dendron.

Now you can add theses references in text ensured with double hooks.