Ana, Tarcisio, Christophe, Daniel (can't be there due to teaching duties), Egon, Jakub, Philippe
What do we have ?
https://enpkg.commons-lab.org/graphdb/ https://enpkg.commons-lab.org/
The idea for now is to fork the ENPKG repos on the DBGI organisation. We will build on these, at least for the MS > RDF part.
What do we want ?
Wikibase. Is this an option ? How complicated ? Does someone has experience in setting these up ? https://wikiba.se/
Daniel's opinion : it's worth exploring.
Could serve as a backup for iNat Could facilitate integration with iNat ? Wikibase <-> WD is straightforward.
- start by Using existing WikiBase
Scholia could work with any Wikibase (cg Egon hackaton proposal at SWAT) See at
Hacking Scholia for custom SPARQL endpoints
https://github.com/SWAT4HCLS/Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS-2023/issues/4 This hack project is following up efforts of other to repurpose the Scholia platform for other SPARQL endpoints, like custom Wikibase installations or Wikidata subsets. In this project we will explore how we can make the Scholia code base configurable for the aspects to show, and which panels to show. If the project is successful, we have a custom Scholia instance around any of the existing public SPARQL endpoints (e.g. ChEMBL, UniProt/NextProt, etc).
Daniel runs his own instance Wikibase instance.
Downside : additional efforts to set up
Why not do it on WD directly ?
WD doesn't want specimens informations. We have data at higher granularity. Several ways to test this https://www.wikibase.cloud/ Need a Wikimedia account
Will set up a small meeting with Daniel.
(PMA) I just signed up for a wikibase.cloud account. They are apparently in closed beta for now https://www.wikibase.cloud/