For everybody
Suggested field gear
- Smartphone
- Small accessory battery
- Head lamp (great if someone has a UV lamp !)
- Backpack (for all your stuff)
- Good pair of shoes
- Rain jacket
- Sleeping bag
- Sleeping mat
- Hat or cap
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen (please make sure to wash hands with EtOH and wear gloves before sampling, these sunscreen tend to stick to samples and will contaminate mass spec)
- Small notebook, pens and pencils
- Camera
- Binoculars
For DBGI collectors
(this is brought from UniFr/UniNe)
Material for collection
- Pre-labelled falcons (50 ml) 1000 tubes
- Dried silica beads 10 pots
- Ethanol (96%) 10 L pure 10 L 70%
- Small 200 ml sprayers for EtOH 10
- Brown coffee filters 13 boxes of 80
- Blue gloves Small, medium, large (1 box each)
- Tweezers 5 pairs
- Scissors 2 pairs
- Scalpels 3 boxes of 10
- Insect aspirators 5 units
- Strings 1 roll
- Ziplocks 1 box of 100
- Plastic tape for "long term" labelling 2 rolls different colors
- Permanent markers 2 * 10 units different colors
- Wiping tissues 10 small rolls
- Big plastic boxes 5 units
- Small cotton tissue bags 10 units
- Medium brown paper bags 100 units
- arrows 10
Individual collection bags
- Wiping tissues 1 small rolls
- Scalpels 1 scalpel
- Blue gloves (everybody takes it because of sizes) 5 pairs
- Small 200 ml sprayers for EtOH 1
- Pre-labelled falcons (50 ml) 20 tubes
- Ziplocks (2 different sizes) 5
- Brown coffee filters 20