
Static_container table (Figure 1) permits to create and reserve labels for the static containers. These labels are created using the label-creator software:

  • container_id: Format container_static_xxxxxx.

  • user_created, date_created_user_updated, date_updated: Informations about who created/modified the static container informations and when.

  • UUID_container: UUID of the static container, generated during creation of the physical object.

  • container_location: Where the mobile container is located. Inferred from the Universities table.

  • reserved: Permits to inform if the container label is reserved or not. If container labels haven't been used, they can be used for another purpose.

Static containers are for example:

  • Fridges

  • Freezers

  • Rooms

  • Buildings

  • etc.

They can be nested in another static container. For example, a fridge is inside a room that is inside a building.

This table is not yet implemented in our tracking system. Only mobile containers are handled.

image import

Figure 1: Static_Container table structure
