
Field_Samples table (Figure 1) permits to store the field samples ID with all the associated metadata:

  • field_sample_id: Format dbgi_xxxxxx (sample). Linked to QField_data and Inat_data tables. This ID corresponds to the label of the physical object field sample.

  • user_created, date_created_user_updated, date_updated: Informations about who created/modified the Field_samples informations and when.

  • UUID_field_sample: UUID of the field sample, generated during creation of the physical object.

  • status: Permits to track the status of the field sample (example: OK, lost, mouldy, etc.).

  • mobile_container_id: This ID corresponds to the label of a physical mobile container. Provides a link to Mobile_containers to know where the field sample is stored.

  • qfield_link: Provides a link to the QField observation.

  • inaturalist_link: Provides the URL of the iNaturalist observation corresponding to this sample.

  • inat_observation_id: Provides the iNaturalist identifier of the iNaturalist observation.

image import

Figure 1: Field_Samples table structure
