
This is PMA's DBGI daily open-notebook.

Today is 2023.10.10

Todo today

Have a look at the DBGI discussion forum

- https://github.com/orgs/digital-botanical-gardens-initiative/discussions


CAll Tarcisio

Point on Semantic-model

Tarcisio proposed the online protégé https://webprotege.stanford.edu/

We have discussed some time (4hours) and I believe, have advanced on the EMI semantic model. One of the keys here would be to define and emi_system (though part will be defining what it is, but in a nutshell any subpart of the observable universe) I our case these emi_system would range from the biosphere to an isolated group of analytes. We connect system to other systems through one of the sosa operation (Actuation, Sampling, Observation) Usually these operation are used to connect system to subsystems. The RO has been discussed to define these relationships. Now also looking at http://basic-formal-ontology.org/

See https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228831199_How_to_track_absolutely_everything





Todo tomorrow, one day ... or never

Today I learned that