
This is Marco's daily open-notebook.

Today is 2024.02.08


async/.await is Rust's built-in tool for writing asynchronous functions that look like synchronous code. async transforms a block of code into a state machine that implements a trait called Future. Whereas calling a blocking function in a synchronous method would block the whole thread, blocked Futures will yield control of the thread, allowing other Futures to run.

block_on blocks the current thread until the provided future has run to completion. Other executors provide more complex behavior, like scheduling multiple futures onto the same thread.

Inside an async fn, you can use .await to wait for the completion of another type that implements the Future trait, such as the output of another async fn. Unlike block_on, .await doesn't block the current thread, but instead asynchronously waits for the future to complete, allowing other tasks to run if the future is currently unable to make progress.

Todo today

  • learn differences between async and block_on in Rust, I get the idea but not sure how to use them in practice



Todo tomorrow

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