
This is Edouard's DBGI daily open-notebook.

Today is 2023.04.21

To do

graph treatment

Doc pour mzmine: sur le site de GNPS




Today I'm experiencing some stuff to make an automated way to export and manage QFieldcloud data. Here is a code storage, in case I have some troubles with the original one:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests import os import re from qfieldcloud_sdk import sdk

#Server (Private) connection client = sdk.Client(url='https://dbgimap.hopto.org/api/v1/') client.login(username='edouardbrulhart', password='861510Eb.98')

#List (Private) the different projects for the specified user projects = client.list_projects()

#Create (Private) the variables to stores projects ids and projects names projects_names = [] projects_ids = []

#Loops (Private) over the projects list and extracts the ids and names for d in projects: for key, value in d.items(): if key.startswith('id'): projects_ids.append(value) elif key.startswith('name'): projects_names.append(value)

#Create (Private) the variable names list to store each files list for each project variables_list = [project_name + '_list' for project_name in projects_names]

#Little (Private) loop to extract files lists for each project files_dict = {}

for i, id in enumerate(projects_ids): key = variables_list[i] files_dict[key] = client.list_remote_files(project_id=id)

print(files_dict[1]) print(files_dict[2])

#filenames (Private) = []

extract filename using regex

#for (Private) item in files:

filename = re.search(r'(\w+).gpkg', item['name'])

if filename:


